The table below shows the uniqueness of each program in the fulfillment of the educational objectives of the institution and also discriminates the differences between the projected learning levels of the shorter program verses the longer program. The educational objectives for the institution are specified in column 1, aligned beside the program outcomes for the competencies targeted for the students by the end of each program.
Educational Objectives |
M.A. in Ministry Program Learning Outcomes (global competencies) |
MDIV Program Learning Outcomes (global competencies) |
I. Bible Mastery |
Competently interpret biblical texts and apply them in their ministry contexts |
Articulate effectively a sound biblical and historical theology |
II. Ministerial Leadership |
Articulate a ministry vision and competently implement it |
Mobilize the church for social transformation, conflict, reconciliation and global mission |
III. Lifelong Learning |
Develop practices of personal and spiritual maturity |
Develop practices of personal and spiritual maturity |
IV. Contextual Commitment |
Identify one’s ministry contexts and cultures and link it with biblical settings |
Have capacity to do church planting and church renewal |
V. Effective Communication |
Lead competently, organize and manage skillfully, mentoring laity for their ministries in families and in local churches |
Lead competently, organize and manage skillfully, mentoring laity for their ministries in families, churches, and the public sector |
In order to more intentionally and accurately ensure student achievement, the program learning outcomes (global competencies) are broken down to more specific competencies that are more measureable. These are selected for each course syllabus. There are eighteen of these specific program outcomes listed below linked to the five educational objectives of the institution:
Furthermore, in order to more intentionally and accurately ensure student learning towards the program outcomes, learning outcomes (LOs) are articulated specifically for each course. The LOs target different domainsofstudentlearning:cognition,skills,attitudes,behaviorsandperspectives;theyaremeasureableand arelinkedwiththelearningactivities,educationalresourcesandrequirementsofthecourse.