Attendance and Participation Policy

Students are required to participate in their programs and complete assignments as outlined in each course syllabus. Participation includes, but is not limited to, participating in class discussion, taking quizzes, completing assignments and taking examinations.

See Course Credit Hours and Study Standards for Credit Hour Courses for more information.

Leave of Absence

Students who need to take a leave of absence for more than two consecutive semesters must complete and submit a leave of absence request form. With the recommendation of the Director of Student Services, the Dean of Academic Affairs may grant a leave of absence for up to two semesters, renewable for two additional semesters, subject to the following conditions:

  • Serious illness, temporary disability, or any other reasons necessitating temporary interruption of the student’s academic program,
  • The student is in good standing academically, and
  • The student has submitted the Leave of Absence form with the Registrar.
  • If a leave of absence is granted for medical reasons, the term of the leave may be granted beyond one year depending on the condition(s). Medical disability or military service leave extends the time limit for completion of degree requirements by the period for which the leave was granted.

A student who fails to return from leave as specified in the approved petition and fails to register prior to the expiration of the approved duration of the leave of absence will be considered to have withdrawn from UUC and must reapply if they wish to continue their studies with UUC. Students who fail to return from leave as specified will be subject to readmission policies in effect at the time of re-enrollment.